

setIntervalWait has a similar API to set the built-in setInterval function, but it waits for the previous instance callback to be completed before calling the next. Additonally clearIntervalWait returns true if the id exists, and false if it does not.

import setInterval, {
  clear as cleaIntervalWait,
} from "./set-interval-wait.mjs";
const id = setInterval(() => {
  /* function that must finish  */
}, 100);
setTimeout(() => clearIntervalWait(id), 2000);


setRetry has a similar API to set the built-in setTimeout and setInterval functions. The difference is that it will retry the callback if it fails (throws an error) at constant intervals.

import setRetry, { clear as clearRetry } from "./set-retry.mjs";
const id = setRetry(() => {
  /* function that may throw an error */
}, 100);


setRetry has a similar API setRetry. The difference is that it will retry the callback if it fails (throws an error) at exponentially increasing intervals intervals.

import setBackoff, { clear as clearBackoff } from "./set-retry.mjs";
const id = setBackoff(() => {
  /* function that may throw an error */
}, 100);


import setTimeoutAsync from "./set-timeout-async.mjs";
const result = await setTimeoutAsync((arg) => arg, 100, "hello");


import setRetryAsync from "./set-retry-async.mjs";
const result = await setRetryAsync((arg) => arg, 100, "hello");


import setBackoffAsync from "./set-backoff-async.mjs";
const result = await setBackoffAsync((arg) => arg, 100, "hello");