Negatable Strings

Ever wanted to literally subtract a string from another in your code? Eh,... didn't thinks so...

But here's library that let's do that and then some!



Import the string polyfill to use library with regular strings.

import "./string-prototype.mjs";


import { scale } from "./index.mjs";

The scale function transfroms a string into a negatable string object.

By default, the string representations are the same.

"string" === scale("string").toString();

Negative one (-1) can be passed as a second parameter to get a negated version of the given string"

"string" === scale("string", -1).toString().split("").reverse().join("");


By default, the string representation is simply the representation of the given string backwards.

console.log(scale("string", -1).toString()); // logs "rts"

But this is not the full story. Negative characters chan be highlighted by passing a prefix parameter to toString method

console.log(scale("string", -1).toString("~")); // logs "~r~t~s"

Prefixes and suffixes can be added for both "negative" and "positive" characters

const nPrefix =  '<span class="positive">':
const pPrefix =  '<span class="negative">':
const suffix =  '</span>':

console(scale("string", -1).toString(nPrefix, suffix, pPrefix, suffix));
// logs "<span class="negative">r</span><span class="negative">t</span><span class="negative">s</span>"


Some consoles (Chrome, Deno, but not currently node) have log methods that allow styling accepting as their first argument a specifically formatted string; and as their subsequent arguements, style parameters.

The "consoleIterator" method takes advantage of this. It produces an object that can be destructured into a call to console.log that will produced a result with characters colored according to their parity.

console.log(...scale("rts", -1).consoleIterator("red"));
// logs red "rts" on chrome and deno
// logs unformatted "rts" on  node

Complex example multipe strings with consoleIterator;

const HELLO = "HELLO";
const GOODBYE = scale("HELLO", -1);
const COMBO = concat(HELLO, GOODBYE);
const [string0, ...colors0] = HELLO.consoleIterator();
const [string1, ...colors1] = GOODBYE.consoleIterator();
const [string2, ...colors2] = COMBO.consoleIterator();

  `("${string0}" + "${string1}") = "${string2}"`,
); // logs "


Concatenating string with negative characters is where the magic happens.

import { concat } from "./index.mjs";
console.log(concat("hello", scale("hello", -1)).toString());
//logs ""
  concat(scale("http://", -1), "").toString()
//logs ""


You may want to construct string where not all characters are negative or positive.

import { negater } from "./index.mjs";
//logs "mssippi". Note the ~s cancelled out the s and then the i cancelled the ~i
//logs "mssippi". Note the ~s cancelled out the s and then the i cancelled the ~i


Test if two strings represent the exact same charcters, in the same order, with the same parity

import { equal } from "./index.mjs";
console.log(equal("alpha", scale("alpha"))); // true
console.log(equal("beta", scale("beta", -1))); //false