
An alternative to document.createElement.

Create an element with attributes and children all in one go.

Similar to React's JSX-less UI.

Usage + API


The main export (below named "createElement") is analogous to document.createElement on the global object. When passed a single argument, they work similarly.

import createElement from "./index.mjs";
const div0 = createElement("div");
const div1 = window.document.createElement("div", { class: "foo" });
console.log(div0.outerHTML); // <div></div>;
console.log(div1.outerHTML); // <div></div>;


Pass a second argument to createElement to set the returned element's attributes.

Attributes are passed "as-is", that is, no translation from"camelCase" to "kebab-case" as with some libraries and frameworks.

const div createElement("div", { id: "foo", ["data-bar"]: "baz" });
// <div id="foo" data-bar="baz"></div>

"class" Attribute

The class key in the attributes argument can corespond to can be a strin g or an array of strings.

In the latter case, each element of the array is added to the object's classList.

import { DIV } from "./tags.mjs";
console.log(DIV({ class: ["foo", "bar", "baz"] }).outerHTML);
// <div class="foo bar baz"></div>


Add children at creation by passing instances of HTMLElement after the attributes object. Strings are converted into text nodes.

Note: instances may be created through createElement, document.createElement, or any other means.

const list = createElement("ul",{ id: "foo" },
  createElement("li", { }, "bar),
// <ul id="foo">
//   <li>bar</li>
//   <li></li>
// </ul>


Alternatively, pass a "children" array of HTMLElements to the attributes object. This will be prepended to rest of the children.

const list = createElement("ul", { id:"foo",
  children: [
    createElement("li", { }, "bar),
    document.createElement("li")] });
// <ul id="foo">
//   <li>bar</li>
//   <li></li>
// </ul>

This is done for compataibility with some libraries and frameworks.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "jsxInject": "import createElement from '??",
    "jsxFactory": "createElement",
    "jsxFragment": "''"


export const jsxInject = `import _jsx from "";`;
export const jsxFactory = "_jsx";
export const jsxFragment = "''";
const list = (
  <ul id="foo">
// <ul id="foo">
//   <li>bar</li>
//   <li></li>
// </ul>
/** @jsx ce */
import ce from "./createElement.mjs";
const list = (
  <ul id="foo">
// const list = createElement("ul", { id: "foo" },
//   createElement("li", { }, "bar),
//   document.createElement("li")
// );
// <ul id="foo">
//   <li>bar</li>
//   <li></li>
// </ul>
/** @jsx ce */
import ce from "./createElement.mjs";
const list = ce("ul", { id: "foo" },
  createElement("li", { }, "bar),
// <ul id="foo">
//   <li>bar</li>
//   <li></li>
// </ul>


The attributes object is optional.

createElement("ul", createElement("li"));
// <ul>
//   <li></li>
// </ul>

The tagName is optional. If omitted, a DocumentFragment is returned.

createElement(createElement("li"), createElement("li"), createElement("li"));
// <li></li>
// <li></li>
// <li></li>

The library exports a shorthand, _, for crating fragments.

import { _ } from "./index.mjs";
_(createElement("li"), createElement("li"), createElement("li"));
// <li></li>
// <li></li>
// <li></li>

HTML Elements

The library exports a shorthand for every existing HTML and SVG tag.

import { html, head, title, body } from "./index.mjs";
  { lang: "en" },
  head({}, title({}, "Hello")),
  body({ id: "foo" }, "world")
// <html lang="en">
//   <head>
//     <title>Hello</title>
//   </head>
//   <body id="foo">world</body>
// </html>


The attributes object can be omitted here as well.

import { HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY } from "./index.mjs";
html(head(title("Hello")), body("world"));
// <html>
//   <head>
//     <title>Hello</title>
//   </head>
//   <body>world</body>
// </html>